Thursday, July 3, 2014

Day 35- Heading to Glacier

While we were at the lake yesterday, we saw this beautiful waterfall across the lake.  Dani said it was a great hike and she wouldn't mind watching the boys if we wanted to do it, so we had a date morning and a great hike just the two of us. 
The water below is so clear you can see the rocks through it in the picture.
We had the trail to ourselves once the family in front of us turned around because there were too many mosquitoes.  Love the reflection of the mountain in the lake.
This trail was wonderful and you didn't even realize that you were climbing up.  At one point, we looked at each other and said "When did we get up this high?".
The higher you climbed, the more beautiful the scenery.
Made it to the falls.  We love a falls hike and we love a very loud, rushing falls even more.  This one was awesome!
When we got back, we were thrilled to see that Bob and Dani had put the boys to work helping cut, split and stack wood to prepare for the winter.  Did I mention that the wood fireplace is used almost constantly from October to May?  Do you have any idea how much firewood is needed to burn during that time?  I didn't either- but it is a whole lot!
Hunter and Logan would periodically help out and then take a break to play and then help and then play.  It was cyclical.  Here, they are playing with K-Bar!
... and then in the top level of the tree house...
... and then the bottom level of the tree house...
We got this picture right before we headed out!
While driving, we saw these beautiful yellow fields.  They were growing like crops, but we were not sure what they were.  Upon doing research, they are canolas- which are later used to produce canola oil.  In the meantime, they are used for beauty before oil :)
Everywhere we look, we love Montana (have I mentioned that before?)
Once we got settled, we drove into Glacier National Park.
We always take pictures at the welcome sign.  We do some regular, normal poses and then silly face poses.  Silly Face poses have led to the kids and David jumping on top of each other.  Today, we started with the silly face one because Logan was not in the best of moods when we got there and we thought this may help.  Today's silly face picture was too cute not to share!
And... the one that I can frame.  
We went to the visitor center and got information about the hikes and got the junior ranger program information and can now finish the final stages of planning!  Looks like we are going to have a great time in Glacier... starting tomorrow!  

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